Room Share

Linoleum chill through my feet. 

Watching them work; 

Watching her slip away. 

Roommates, not friends. 

I push away our unspoken words in the dining hall; 

The muttered good night in dark;

Our dead-eyed acknowledgment passing in the halls. 

I didn’t want to share a room, I told them that, the people fighting to bring her back to life. In our room. 


         My room. 

It was quieter in here with her alive.

I want to leave but the main door is always locked. 

My sheets are rough inside my fists.

Watching their frantic movements, hollering into their walkie talkies. 

All of it whiplash-worthy, 

Don’t they know she’s already checked out?

It was quieter with her alive.

© 2024 Naomi

Routines, the positive and not-so.

I’m working on talking through my routines and activities, seeing if I’m able to remove things from my plans, borrow someone elses brain and perspective to see if something could be put off or be done by another person. It’s not easy, letting myself rely on someone else or to let a “must do” distort into a “maybe next month”

Knowing I’ve got a routine that covers the basics, free me up from the mundane things I’m required to do. It puts a structure and strength in place, which is a basis for me to enjoy time with my loved ones, write, chill, read, learn and expand my world.

So routines can appear to be a perfect solution……. However I have realised I find it difficult to understand when a routine is controlling me rather than supporting me. The routine can become about completing each detail in the exact way, so that I am able to move beyond that single action/thought, onto the next.

In ballet I loved travelling turns and the first few exercises at the barre. The barre soothed me but it became the focus rather than using the techniques to support my centre work, where the actual “dance” is meant to be.

It took years for me to move the artistry and feeling that was evoked by the familiarity and security of the barre work to the centre. reflecting I wonder if the security of the barre prevented me from taking the risks and venturing into vulnerability and exhilaration of centre work that I could have experienced. But for me, the barre was where my world slot into place so I could breathe deeply and the world could slow.

Shifting the routine.
When someone comments or I notice that I’m being held back by my routines / structures /compulsions / rituals, what do I do then? When I feel as if my world is only held in place by the routines that confine me, my feelings, suffocating until each breath is forced, fought for and I’m left clinging to the few structures I have in place.
I’ve been trying to understand the difficulty with allowing flexibility into my routines, even when I’m well. For even then I’m holding onto my routines, knowing that if I don’t follow my structure, when I lose time or a migraine strikes, I will be lost. But I need some flexibility, not to change everything, but to have some wiggle room, some space to breathe. Where routines are supporting me rather than controlling.

Routines, the positive and not-so.

I’m working on talking through my routines and activities, seeing if I’m able to remove things from my plans, borrow someone elses brain and perspective to see if something could be put off or be done by another person. It’s not easy, letting myself rely on someone else or to let a “must do” distort into a “maybe next month”

Knowing I’ve got a routine that covers the basics, free me up from the mundane things I’m required to do. It puts a structure and strength in place, which is a basis for me to enjoy time with my loved ones, write, chill, read, learn and expand my world.

So routines can appear to be a perfect solution……. However I have realised I find it difficult to understand when a routine is controlling me rather than supporting me. The routine can become about completing each detail in the exact way, so that I am able to move beyond that single action/thought, onto the next.

In ballet I loved travelling turns and the first few exercises at the barre. The barre soothed me but it became the focus rather than using the techniques to support my centre work, where the actual “dance” is meant to be.

It took years for me to move the artistry and feeling that was evoked by the familiarity and security of the barre work to the centre. reflecting I wonder if the security of the barre prevented me from taking the risks and venturing into vulnerability and exhilaration of centre work that I could have experienced. But for me, the barre was where my world slot into place so I could breathe deeply and the world could slow.

Shifting the routine.
When someone comments or I notice that I’m being held back by my routines / structures /compulsions / rituals, what do I do then? When I feel as if my world is only held in place by the routines that confine me, my feelings, suffocating until each breath is forced, fought for and I’m left clinging to the few structures I have in place.
I’ve been trying to understand the difficulty with allowing flexibility into my routines, even when I’m well. For even then I’m holding onto my routines, knowing that if I don’t follow my structure, when I lose time or a migraine strikes, I will be lost. But I need some flexibility, not to change everything, but to have some wiggle room, some space to breathe. Where routines are supporting me rather than controlling.

Within the flurry

Within the flurry of today something amazing happened. A box of books arrived and it became real. I’ve been published! A written snapshot of a moment with my wonderful kids and my clever curious and caring cat.
It goes on sale September 14th.

So a huge thank you @ChickenSoupSoul! I have always loved these books and now I’m published in one!
Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Clever, Curious, Caring Cat is available from Sept 14th! #CSSMyCleverCat #Bookstagram #AmWriting #Writers #Cats #CatLovers

Up high

Damp grass,

hot coffee inside;

rough bark as I leave the ground.

Encased by branches,

me, alone;

watching the world unseen.

I attended an online poetry workshop yesterday, for the first time in 9 months I wrote alongside other people. I’ve missed that space, when the air feels charged with thought and intention, people searching for the phrase or illusive word which could carry the weight of their world.

My poem was created around a word prompt,I wonder if anyone can work out what the word may have been?


I’ve been keeping a list on my phone, that I add to when I remember. The list is named ‘things I’m grateful for’ and I thought I may share my list for today.


I am grateful for water and sunshine and beautiful daffodils.

I am grateful for friends to drink tea with.

I am grateful for Cleo’s warmth and weight as she sits, curled up on my lap.


Simple things tend to reoccur on mine; my cat, home, fluffy slippers; hot tea.

What you would have on your list for today?

Psychotic, me? and a NaNo wrap up

I’ve made a major decision which goes directly against doctors advice. Gulp. I’ve decided, for one month, to stop my anti psychotics and see what happens to my weight (also if I can live with the side effects of not being on my med)
I’ve stopped now for 6 days and so far I’ve had a splitting headache, I’ve got the sensation of electric shocks, or fireworks going off in my brain, constantly; I cant sleep; I’m hot and sweaty and feel disorientated. My anxiety is through the roof so i’ve added more anti anxiety med throughout the day.  BUT i’m not complaining as, so far, I can cope with these things if it means I am able to lose some weight (4 stone 5 pounds ive put on in the past year and a half) yet all the psychiatrists tell me im on a ‘weight neutral’ medication….. My body proves to me that it’s not, for me at least.
Anyway, rather than tapering the medication off or consulting with the psychiatrist, in my usual style I’ve gone cold turkey. Stupid may be a good word for me right now.
One thing that I am doing, which is different for me and I hope takes this medication holiday from self harm to being an active and possibly healthy decision, is that I am being very clear with everyone that I am coming off the meds; I’ve informed my partner, psychologist, best friend, fitness leader, kids school etc and asked them all to let me know if I’m behaving strangely and to let me know, or my partner know, so that I can go back on the meds. Saying that though, unless its affecting my kids i’m likely to keep off the meds for at least the month.
On a completely different note, I became a NaNo Winner on the 21st of the month. I spent last Saturday in my dressing gown (purple, long and soft….mildly pretentious) writing away at my kitchen table and after a day of chasing my protagonist round the outskirts of London I reached the target of 50,000 words. Whoopee!!
I was thinking to myself what id like to take away from NaNo this year and I realised that what I value the most is spending, however much or little, time in my own world, fighting my own dragons and focusing on that elusive but magical thing called inspiration. Many days during NaNo the inspiration was impossible to find but I wrote anyway. I don’t want to be a NaNoer who writes only in November, instead id like to write a little each day and learn a little more about the skill and craft of writing. I worry that I’ll run out of things to write but in truth, I’m more worried about not writing at all. During NaNo I’ve been aiming to write 2000 words a day. I’ve decided to set myself a target of 500 words a day; yesterday was day 2 and I missed doing it! Whoops! Anyway I caught up today so am happily sipping a coffee while posting this blog.

NaNoWriMo 2016 prep

​The umming and urring is over; the decision is made. This November I am going to attempt National Novel Writing Month for the 2nd time.


Last year I heard about it about 3 days before it began so I pantsed my way through the 50,000 words in 30 days. I did it but this year I have the time to prepare and hopefully find it easier to find the words towards the end of November.


So how am I preparing? I’ve been organised enough to write myself a list for October!! Some I will definitely do, some I’m half way through and some I’ll (ahem) maybe attempt to do….
As I’ve got children my first priority will be stocking the fridge and freezer, getting ontop of washing, putting routines in place for their independence so there are less “mummy I want”‘s just as my protagonist demands my full attention. 
I’m going to tell my friends and family that I’m doing NaNo so they can cheerlead or nag as needed. I’m also putting up a whiteboard with my daily target word count and my actual word count on it for dinner time shaming if neccessary!!!!
I enjoy write ins so will be checking where my local ones are and possibly setting up a few of my own with friends and other NaNo’ers.
I’m planning on setting up a good workspace; as I work wherever I find the time….. coffee shops, sat during swimming lessons, in the car waiting for school pick up etc, my workspace will be in my bag and include my laptop, charger, notepad, pens and my lovely stripey pencil case. 
I’ve downloaded a word count app to keep track of what where I am. Also got a memory stick purely for NaNo 2016.
I’ve planned each day of November with a keyword or a scene and as October progresses I’m hoping to flesh the ideas out. Im going to move the ideas onto scrivener so I hopefully keep on track! 
I *ahem* plan to watch the scrivener tutorial on YouTube (I’ve been saying this for a year), also finally finishing Stephen Kings book “on writing”. 
Finally I’m going to commit and donate to NaNoWriMo so it can continue in the years to come. 
Is anyone else doing NaNo this year? What are you doing to prepare? 

How much???!!!!?!

​Apologies in advance as this is another whiney post. I am rankling at an injustice…. see what you think…..

The past two weeks have been full of homework. My darling little 5 year old son is trying to get his homework done…. 8 sides of workbook (takes at least half an hour a side), 8 spellings and reading out loud each day….. it’s not possible to keep up with so I went for a chat with the teacher.

Instead of trying to understand she reminded me “he has the choice to do it during golden time”…. right… the only time during the week for him to relax, play and be a kid. Then she proceeded to teach me how to do tens and units….. not my child how to do it, but me!!!! I left more than a tad frustrated, unheard and upset. 

The next 48 hours I spent in bed apart from dropping and picking kids up from school, it’s just astounding how mental illness can just swipe your legs from under you. 

Last week we missed church and bathtime so we could get the hw done; we’ll do the same this week…. I guess I was always destined to have smelly heathens as children, I just wasn’t expecting it to be caused by a teacher or so young! 

On the plus side I’ve been going to dance classes again. I resemble an epileptic octopus, but a very happy and sweaty one!

How is everyone else? Any ideas what to do with the homework situation?